Very sweet crochet Rose motif making

Very sweet crochet Rose motif making

Absolutely! Here are some step-by-step instructions for creating a sweet rose painting:

Materials you need:

Very sweet crochet Rose motif making
  • Crochet tool (the right size for your yarn)
  • Bad weight yarn in the pink color you want.
  • Green thread for leaves
  • Scissors
  • Yarn needles



1. Start with slipknot:

  • Make a slip by making a loop with the end of the thread passing through the working end through the loop and pulling it tight. This will ensure the yarn on your crochet hook.

2. Chain:

  • Make 25 stitches. This will serve as a foundation for your roses.

3. Create a flower base:

  • Starting from the second chain from the hook, sew 2 stitches in the same chain.
  • Work 1 single string in the next 4 chains.

4. Create a flower curve:

  • Chain 2.
  • Skip the next chain and sew the slip into the bottom chain.
  • It creates a small curve for the flower.

5. Form the second part of the petal:

  • Work 1 single string in the next 5 chains.

6. Form the center of the petal:

  • Sew only a few stitches in the last chain of the foundation chain.
Very sweet crochet Rose motif making

7. Flower finish:

  • Chain 2.
  • Join the last single crochet with the first single crochet of the petal using a slip stitch.


1. Start the leaves:

  • Stain with green thread and chain.

2. Leaf work:

  • Starting from the second string from the hook, sew 1 string in each string.
  • Turn your work around after chain one.

3. Create leaf tips:

  • Sew 2 single stitches in the first chain.
  • Next chain, Do 1 single crochet.

4. Fill the leaves:

  • Move your work around in chain 1.
  • Make 1 stitch in each of the next 2 stitches.


1. Attach roses:

  • Arrange and overlay the roses to create the desired rose shape.
  • Use thread needles to sew the flowers together securely by attaching them at the base.

2. Connect the leaves:

  • Place the leaves under the roses.
  • Use a threaded needle to sew the leaves to the back of the rose motif.

3. Finish:

  • Weave loose ends with thread needles to ensure cleanliness.
Very sweet crochet Rose motif making

Congratulations, you have created a sweet rose painting! These motifs can be used for various projects such as decorations on accessories, blankets or clothing items.

Feel free to experiment with different yarn colors, sizes and arrangements to create a variety of beautiful crochet motifs. Enjoy the process and enjoy creating your own sweet roses!

Tutorial Video Here

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